Meet John Doe 1941 & two different 1940s Re-Release Comparison

The movie was first released in 1941, and the original half-sheet, insert, and lobby cards were printed on a "linen" paper stock. It had an undated re-release (likely in 1944), and for this re-release the half-sheet, insert, and lobby cards were printed on a "flat" paper stock (some people have suggested that the "flat" paper items are from 1941, but our research indicates this is not correct). The first re-release was also by Warner Bros.

There was also a second undated re-release (likely in 1946), and it was by S.S. Krellberg/Goodwill Pictures. If anyone has more information about any of these three releases, e-mail us.

See below for images from all three releases. NOTE: Each image is clickable for a MUCH LARGER version that shows greater detail.

This is the 1941 first release Meet John Doe one-sheet.

Note the small text and litho number along the bottom blank border. The poster has stone litho printing and all the colors are vibrant.

This is the undated (probably 1940s) FIRST re-release Meet John Doe one-sheet.

Note that it reads solely "Lithographed in U.S.A." along the bottom blank border. The poster has a dot pattern in the printing and the colors have a more substantial orange/brown hue to them.

Here you can see a close-up of Cooper & Stanwyck that "splices together" the two different one-sheets which better illustrates the differences in color and printing.
This is the 1941 first release Meet John Doe title lobby card.

Note the small text along the bottom blank border. The card is printed on "linen" paper and the studio is "Warner Bros" & "Vitagraph".

This is the undated (probably 1940s) SECOND re-release Meet John Doe title lobby card.

Note it solely reads "Country of Origin U.S.A." along the bottom blank border. The card is printed on "regular" lobby card paper and instead of "Vitagraph", it has "Goodwill Pictures" below "Warner Bros". It also has "S.S. Krellberg" added above Frank Capra's credit.


This is the undated (probably 1940s) SECOND re-release Meet John Doe half-sheet.

Note it solely reads "Country of Origin U.S.A." along the bottom blank border. The poster is printed on "regular" half-sheet paper (the first release was on linen paper) and instead of "Vitagraph", it has "Goodwill Pictures" below "Warner Bros". It also has "S.S. Krellberg" added above Frank Capra's credit.