About eMoviePoster.com's Thursday Auctions #600

This set of Thursday auctions runs from 1/10 to 1/17)
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ATTENTION! The details shown below apply SOLELY to the 600 "special" rolled posters (unusual U.S. and non-U.S. posters, movie and non-movie) AND 399 rolled one-sheets we are auctioning from 1/10 to 1/17, and may well NOT apply to our other sets of weekly auctions. If you are looking for details about any of our other sets of weekly auctions, please check our Info Archive.

This auction has ended. View the Auction History Results.

New to our auctions? There are important differences between our auctions and others. Do you have questions about any aspect of them? First, visit our Questions and Answers page, and if you don't find your answer there, e-mail us.

Quick Links for This Page:
*Details About Thursday's Items (600
"special" rolled posters AND 399 rolled one-sheets ending 1/17)
*U.S. Shipping Details
*Non-U.S. Shipping Details

Details About These Thursday Items

Why are we auctioning BOTH one-sheets AND "special" posters together?
     In the past, we have auctioned solely "newer" unfolded one-sheets and newer rolled "special" posters in separate auctions. But we find that many of the same people buy both of these types of posters, and by offering them in the same set of auctions, they can have a wider variety of items to choose from.
     Note that several times we auctioned 499 one-sheets and 500 special posters in these "combination sales", but this time we had a lot of "special posters" consigned, so, to make room for more of those, we reduced the number of one-sheets by 100, to 399.

About the "special posters"
Note that this is one of the absolute most "fun" auctions we do!
There is a wonderful variety of all sorts of "odd" posters (some connected to movies, but not standard movie posters, and many that have no connection to movies at all). This is where we auction war, travel, and music posters, among many other categories of posters. In addition to many posters from the U.S., there are also a very large number from a multitude of other countries, and they are from many different years (there is around a century difference between the oldest poster and the newest poster!). While we created a chart to help you find items of interest to you, there are so many unusual types of posters that we HIGHLY recommend that all of you make an effort to look at all of these posters in our gallery format (and you are sure to enjoy doing so, even if you end up not buying any, and solely "window shop")!

(to better help you find the sizes and countries that interest you)

3g001-3g030 political, circus, 30x40, calendar, trade ad, oversize stills, uncut stamp sheets, non-U.S. political
3g031-3g043 travel
3g044-3g058 film festival
3g059-3g075 art prints
3g076-3g097 TV
3g098-3g120 music
3g121-3g145 advertising
3g146-3g175 video, mini, reproductions
3g176-3g238 museum/art exhibition
3g239-3g312 commercial
3g313-3g412 stage
3g413-3g600 special
3g601-3g999 one-sheets

About the posters in this auction which were once folded
     Note that some of the posters in this auction were NEVER folded, and some were folded.  However, all of the posters in this auction were stored unfolded, which has diminished how noticeable the foldlines are.  UNLESS WE ARE TOLD OTHERWISE BY THE NEW OWNER, WE INTEND TO SEND ALL OF THESE POSTERS ROLLED IN TUBES.  However, if a person solely purchases one of the previously folded posters, we WILL re-fold it and send it in a flat package if the person specifically requests it (this may lower the shipping, but sometimes not, because some of the posters can not be folded to where they fit in our standard-sized flat packages and have to be sent in one of our oversized packages if they are folded).  Of course, if you purchase both posters that were once folded and posters that were never folded, then it will make far more sense to send them all together in a single tube.

About "special" posters
     We regularly receive posters from hundreds of consignors, and the vast majority of them are standard movie poster sizes, and we gather those sizes together, and sell them in individual weeks (each week, posters of a different size). But we also receive a few posters now and then which are NOT standard movie poster sizes, and we also occasionally receive a few posters that are not even movie posters!
     Basically, this week we have gathered together all of our remaining "special" posters, and are auctioning them all at one time. We urge you to look them all over very carefully, for they cover a HUGE range of years, sizes, and subjects and some are likely extremely rare, and we guarantee you that the vast majority of them will have images that are new to you!  Included are a number of commercial posters (posters sold directly to the public when the movie was created, BUT WE CLEARLY IDENTIFY ALL COMMERCIAL POSTERS AS SUCH!), and also reproductions, but again WE CLEARLY IDENTIFY ALL REPRODUCTION POSTERS AS SUCH.  We have listed those commercial and reproduction posters at the end of the auction, and clearly identified them.  The "special" posters that come before them are ones that were created and distributed to theaters, if they were created in conjunction with a movie (and of course, the other sorts of posters, like war or travel posters are originals that were created for promotional purposes).
     NOTE THAT IT CAN BE VERY DIFFICULT WITH POSTERS LIKE THESE TO DETERMINE IF THEY WERE ORIGINALLY SOLD COMMERCIALLY. It is possible we have not identified some posters as commercial posters that actually WERE commercial posters. If you see any that you feel are misidentified, please contact us so that we can make the correction (please provide how you know the information you are giving us!). We try to be 100% accurate, and we welcome all corrections.

About the condition
     Note that we give a detailed overall condition grade to every item we sell ("fine", "very good to fine", "very good", "good to very good", "good", and "fair", with only a few graded "poor") along with more details about the condition described in words (but pretty much only if they are defects that CAN'T be seen in our super-sized images, or if the item is especially valuable).  We felt this would help bidders identify items they want to bid on more easily.  Of course, we still strongly recommend that you look at our super-sized image to see the extent of the defects that we describe and to examine the item for minor defects that we did NOT describe.
   If an item is in less than very good condition, should you not bid on it?
Of course not, as long as you are accepting of the defects the item has! The item that is graded "very good", but has as many minor defects as is allowed under the "very good" definition is only in SLIGHTLY better condition than the best of the "good to very good" items. So please take the time to look at the larger images of items that interest you, and see if the defects are the sort that you can "live with", or are willing to restore. Some of these items are EXTREMELY rare, and it may be years before you see them offered again!

U.S. Shipping Details

U.S. buyers need to enclose $12 shipping (which includes full insurance), no matter how many items you purchase from this set of auctions! NOTE: Our $12 flat rate shipping is good for three weeks. If you haven't paid within three weeks after your oldest unshipped purchase, you will then be quoted the actual cost of shipping when you request it. Learn the exact details of flat rate shipping

     Missouri customers: You must pay an additional 7.162% sales tax on your purchases.  If your order is sent within the state of Missouri, we MUST collect this tax (if it is shipped to another state, we do not collect the tax).

Do you need "signature required"?
 Neither UPS nor USPS automatically require a signature to deliver packages, so if you want the signature to be required, you will need to pay the extra $4.25 for UPS or $2.45 for USPS that they charge for "signature required", and please realize that they will then NOT leave the package at the door, and you may well have to go to the UPS or USPS facility yourself to pick it up if you aren't there to meet the delivery person. If you have any other special requirements, please tell us when you are paying for your order. IF YOU DO NOT SPECIFY THAT YOU WANT SIGNATURE REQUIRED, THEN YOUR PACKAGE WILL BE SENT WITHOUT SIGNATURE REQUIRED (unless your package has a dollar value over $300, in which case we will ALWAYS send it with signature required, due to the massive rise in "porch thefts", unless you specifically tell us not to, and you will need to fully accept responsibility for the package if it is stolen from your porch or lobby)!

You CAN usually combine shipment!

NOTE: These Thursday items need to be sent rolled in tubes so...
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT COMBINING: Flat rate shipping is good for 3 weeks worth of purchases (assuming all the items fit into a single package; Learn More About Combining). If you win items over a span of more than 21 days, you will then be charged the actual cost of shipping plus $3 for packing materials.

*they can be combined with these auctions:

Thursday December 25th rolled non-U.S. posters
Tuesday December 27th rolled one-sheets and special posters
Sunday January 13th "rolled" signed items only
Tuesday January 15th rolled non-U.S. posters

*they must be sent separately from these auctions for an additional shipping charge:

Sunday December 16th flat package items in December Part IV
Tuesday December 18th folded one-sheets
Thursday December 20th complete and incomplete lobby card sets
Sunday December 23rd heralds, trade ads, and much more
Sunday December 30th three-sheets, six-sheets, and more
Tuesday January 1st bulk lots (NOTE: Some CAN be safely combined, and we will automatically combine if safe to do.)
Thursday January 3rd some of the large "flat package" and likely none of the "three dimensional" items can be combined
Sunday January 6th groups of 2+ stills
Tuesday January 8th single lobby cards
Thursday January 10th folded non-U.S. posters and lobbies
Sunday January 13th "flat" signed items only

Note that we not only allow you to combine as many items as you want from a single set of Tuesday, Thursday, and/or Sunday auctions, and still pay only a single shipping charge for all of the items (even if you get 100 or more, but solely from a single set!), but we also allow you to wait until the next three weeks of auctions end (a total of up to nine sets of auctions) so that you can combine your current purchases with those of our following auctions (if possible; see Learn More About Combining), and that means there is a chance you could combine items from up to nine of our sets of auctions, and still pay only a single shipping charge (assuming those items fit into the same type of package, but of course, there is a limit to how many items can fit in a single package or tube, and if you end up with several packages, you will need to pay that many shipping charges; Learn More About Combining). Since around half of our auctions have items that ship in tubes and the other half have items that ship in flat packages, and since few of those items can be combined, most of our regular buyers end up with at least two packages after three weeks. We KNOW there are other sellers who charge a little less on shipping than we do (and of course, there are others who charge far more!), but none of the ones with lower rates offer the same generous flat rate shipping we do, and we know that our packaging is the best there is, and our orders virtually never arrive damaged (and on the very rare times that they do, all our U.S. packages are fully insured, and FULL INSURANCE IS INCLUDED IN THE U.S. SHIPPING CHARGE).


Non-U.S. Shipping Details

Non-U.S. buyers must pay the actual cost of shipping their order (you can choose whatever method you prefer, but know that the U.S. Post Office has eliminated Surface Mail, so we can only send via Express or Airmail), plus $3, for both the best packaging materials you have ever seen and a separate printed invoice mailed to you.  All non-U.S. buyers must tell us if they want the package sent insured or uninsured at the time they pay for their order.

Have you heard about our Pay and Hold Program?
This lets non-U.S. buyers pay for their purchases from 6 consecutive weeks (a total of 18 auctions and around 15,000+ items!), and we then send all your purchases at once saving you LOTS of money!  Click HERE to learn more (if you are not one of the hundreds of our non-U.S. buyers who are already part of this program)

Here is a chart containing estimated shipping charges for up to 3 items from this set of  auctions. NOTE: These are ESTIMATES only; actual shipping may cost more or less.
Insurance will increase the cost of shipping by approximately $1.60 for each $100 of insurance.

Type of Shipping Canada/Mexico Australian/Asia/Japan Everywhere Else (inc Europe)
Priority Mail Int'l - Uninsured


$55.01 $57.15
Priority Mail Express Int'l - Uninsured $61.66 $75.91 $70.45

First Class* (under 4 lbs ONLY)

$33.16 $35.06 $35.78
*First Class has a weight limit of 4 lbs AND a dimensional limit. Posters wider than 28 inches (or 71 cm) can NOT be shipped via First Class.

Also, the maximum number of posters that can ship via First Class in a tube is eight (8), but bear in mind that is at the maximum weight of 4 lbs which will cost more than the estimates above (the cost to ship 8 posters via First Class is approximately $50, depending on where you live).

     IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please bear these approximate shipping cost in mind BEFORE you place a bid (if you live outside the U.S.). The vast majority of our customers want a very securely packed tube, and will pay the extra shipping cost involved (and of course, it goes to the Post Office or UPS, and not us!). Please do not ask us to pack less securely, as that would likely result in a damaged order.
    Some sellers are sending by Ground UPS to Canada, but that incurs large "brokerage fees", so we do not recommend it.  Note that there are also some sellers sending non-U.S. packages via a "Letter" rate, but of course this is not legal, and we can not do this.  We have outlined the possibilities for sending non-U.S. packages above, so please read that carefully, BEFORE placing a bid!

Do you have a friend or relative who lives in the United States?
Some of our customers either visit the U.S. regularly, or have friends or relatives within the U.S., and often those customers have us send their orders to a U.S. address, and then they transport the posters from there. THIS CAN SAVE YOU A GREAT DEAL ON SHIPPING! This is fine with us, but realize that you still need to let us know within one week of receipt if you want to return anything, so don't use this method unless you are certain you will want to keep your purchases.