PATTY HEARST (personality)

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Patty Hearst (also known as Patricia Hearst) is an author, newspaper heiress, socialite, and actress from the 1970s to the present. She is the granddaughter of newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst and is perhaps best known for being kidnapped in 1974 by the Symbionese Liberation Army, which was a left-wing urban guerrilla group. When an attempt to swap Hearst for jailed SLA members failed, the group demanded Hearst's family distribute $70 million worth of food to needy Californians. Later, in what many call a case of Stockholm syndrome, Hearst joined the SLA and even committed bank robbery which led to her arrest in 1975. She was sentenced and later commuted after 22 months in federal prison, later marrying, briefly acting, and showing her dogs in dog shows!
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